Constantin Vică- Bioethical Perspectives on Antimicrobial Resistance in a One Health Context, One Health International Conference, Romanian Academy, November 21-22, Bucharest
15th November at 18:30 (Central European Time) Speaker: Mihaela Constantinescu Lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Romania. Title: Generative AI avatars and responsibility gaps …
Professor Ishiguro will deliver his lecture remotely and then engage in a live dialogue with two interlocutors before addressing questions from the audience. Moderator: Ryuji Yamazaki. In this lecture, the presenter…
RMWS 2024: Where no proxy has gone before: avatars & responsibility frameworks Venue: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, 10 & 11 October 2024 Description: Avatars in the form of…
Mihaela Constantinescu & Radu Uszkai are the organizers of a workshop within the Robophilosophy Conference 2024, hosted by Aarhus University. Abstract: As either physical or digital interactive representations of human…
09-12.07.2024. Mihnea Dobre-“Cartesian Democritus: the image of Democritus in the works of the first Cartesians.” Conference HOPOS 2024, Vienna.
19.06.2024. “Cercetarea deschisă digitală în științele umaniste (Open Digital Scholarship in the Humanities).” Conference G. Călinescu – 125. Panel “Tratate, enciclopedii și dicționare literare în epoca digitalizării,” Romanian Academy, Bucharest…
Anda Zahiu: Extending the realm of rights: posthoumous interests and digital persons @ Oxford – Bucharest Workshop in Practical Ethics, Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, Oxford, 24 May 2024.…